Learn About Xerostomia Causes & Treatments

dry-mouthXerostomia is the medical name for dry mouth, which many people end up getting. It’s helpful to know what the causes of it are, as well as what the treatment options are. Continue to read on to learn about Xerostomia causes and treatment.
1. Causes- One of the leading causes of dry mouth is medications, and there are many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, that can cause dry mouth for a person. Medications that are used to treat depression, anxiety and nerve pain tend to be the ones that will most likely cause dry mouth. Some muscle relaxants also cause dry mouth.
Sometimes dry mouth can be caused by cancer therapies, and this is because many cancer drugs changes the amount of saliva that is produced, as well as the nature of the saliva. However, dry mouth may go away after the cancer treatment is stopped because the salivary flow tends to go back to normal after the person has completed treatment. Radiation treatment may also lead to dry mouth, and sometimes the symptoms associated with it may be permanent.

Another cause of dry mouth is nerve damage. Sometimes nerve damage can be the result of suffering an injury or undergoing surgery. Usually the nerve damage will be in your head or the neck, and this can lead to having a dry mouth.

Smoking cigarettes and using other types of tobacco products can cause symptoms associated with dry mouth. This not only goes for smoking tobacco, as chewing it can cause it too. If you have dry mouth and you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco, then you should quit, if you want to improve your condition.

2. Treatment Options- The good news is there are various treatment options for Xerostomia, and one of those options is protecting your teeth, as poor hygiene can lead to dry mouth. You want to prevent cavities from forming on your teeth, which means regular dentist visits is a must. You might also be told to use a chlorhexidine rinse, which may help keep cavities under control.

Another treatment option is changing your medication. If your doctor determines that your dry mouth is the result of the medications you’re taking, they may prescribe you something else. If you’re taking over-the-counter medicine, then consider switching to another brand or stop taking the medication. There are also products out there that can moisturize your mouth, and if you suffer from dry mouth and it’s severe, then consider getting such products, which include rinses and artificial saliva.

There are medications that stimulate saliva. Your doctor may prescribe this type of medication to you. One of these medications is Evoxac.

Nobody enjoys having Xerostomia, but there are treatment options out there, and some of them were discussed above. If you have dry mouth and you find it hard to deal with, then speak with your doctor. They will be able to recommend products or they may prescribe you medication to help you get rid of dry mouth or reduce the symptoms associated with it.

Coffee Can Cause Dry Mouth And Here’s What You Can Do About It

downloadIf you’re a coffee drinker, then you know that coffee can cause dry mouth. It may seem like it’s wetting the whistle, but coffee mouth after consumption is no fun at all. Dry mouth sets in, and it can really make your mouth and teeth feel extra dirty. There is no saliva, bacteria is allowed to grow, and you feel like you have a film over the entire inside of your mouth.

Coffee doesn’t do this every time if a person is drinking plenty of water in between or has eaten something perhaps. Coffee affects you differently during certain times, but there is no doubt that it can cause you to have dry mouth symptoms. So how do you get rid of these symptoms?

First, understand that caffeine is part of the culprit here. Yes, too much caffeine can make you have dry mouth. Remember that it’s not just the coffee. The coffee doesn’t help, but drinking too many sodas instead of water can also leave you not only with dry mouth but dehydration symptoms in general. People dismiss dehydration, but those symptoms can be serious if a person becomes too dehydrated.

What does dry mouth lead to? Well, it can cause the development of cavities, and it can cause you to have extremely bad breath. Gum disease can set in, and yeast infections can also develop. There are a multitude of problems that can transpire if you have dry mouth, especially if this is a chronic condition that we’re talking about.

If you’re running around the office drinking coffee, not water and it’s not lunch time, you need some gum. Gum or hard candy can help keep your mouth hydrated at least. It goes without saying that you need to find a water fountain or a water bottle. Smoking is of course only going to make things worse, so a coffee-drinking smoker, which is what I am, can really take its toll.

Dry-Mouth_Main-ImageRemember that smoking and coffee drinking also contribute to poor dental health in various ways. What I like to do is use mouthwash awhile after I drink a cup of coffee. I can do that quite easily because I work from home. I can also brush my teeth whenever I want, and not everyone has that luxury.

It’s a good idea to brush after each meal and even brush after you’ve had coffee. What I do is wait until I’ve had breakfast and coffee or whatever is going on that morning for me. Then I simply brush again or use mouthwash. Considering I’m limited on time, I usually just use mouthwash. It would be important to then drink some water because the mouthwash only cleans out your mouth. It doesn’t hydrate your mouth one bit.

Did you know that a humidifier at home can help you hydrate your mouth? Think about keeping your food moist, which tastes much better than dry food anyway. Don’t allow coffee or anything else for that matter to dry out your mouth. Take notice of what’s happening and take action.

How Dry Mouth Lozenges Can Benefit You

Salese Dry Mouth Lozenges

Salese Dry Mouth Lozenges

Dry mouth is an uncomfortable condition that can lead to bad breath and other oral health complications. These complications include gum disease (periodontal disease), bad breath (gingivitis) and an increase in tooth corrosion leading to cavities.

This is because the natural production of saliva in the mouth helps maintain a pH balance preventing acid corrosion. The saliva also washes away food particles and residue to prevent plaque and tartar build-up that are the main causes of cavities.

Dry mouth lozenges have been designed to combat dry mouth and the related complications in the following ways:

1. Saliva Production

In the same way that sucking or chewing anything promotes the production of saliva in the mouth, sucking lozenges increases the natural process of saliva production. When you start to chew food, signals are sent to the salivary glands to produce moisture to help you masticate (chew) and swallow your food.

To get long lasting benefits from using dry mouth lozenges, place the lozenge under the tongue where the saliva glands exist or in your cheek and suck as needed. This will make the lozenge last longer, providing greater benefits.

2. Disinfecting

It is recommended to opt for lozenges that have a disinfecting quality. This will help maintain good oral hygiene and prevent gingivitis, periodontal disease and cavities. Basically, the lozenge will replace the function of the saliva in ensuring a clean and healthy mouth.

However, it is essential to avoid sucking lozenges that contain sugar. The constant contact of sugar with the teeth will simply increase the likelihood of cavities occurring. Their are a wide variety of sugar free lozenges available on the market from herbal types to those containing artificial sweeteners and flavors. You may also want to stay away from the artificial variety if you are health conscious and worried about what you put in your body.

3. Refreshing

Dry mouth lozenges come in a wide range of flavors to meet a number of different individual preferences. The flavor is however not just for your enjoyment but can cover bad odors caused by dry mouth and stimulate saliva production.

DryMouth-300x169Minty flavors are the most popular with citrus and berry also providing fragrant benefits. If you are sucking lozenges that have natural flavors, make sure that they are not too acidic. Artificial flavors last longer and should help maintain the pH balance in the mouth.

4. Use Instructions

The main function of dry mouth lozenges is to promote saliva production and prevent oral disease. But if you don’t have enough liquid in your body to produce saliva, the lozenges will have a decreased effect. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to help solve your dry mouth condition.

Keeping a water bottle nearby and sipping continuously will help keep you hydrated. Drinking water while sucking a lozenge will increase the effectiveness. However, this could also result in the lozenge dissolving faster so for the best results, drink water before sucking your lozenge. Information on Salese Dry Mouth Lozenges can be found and purchased online.